பகிர்ந்து கொண்டவர்கள்!

செவ்வாய், ஆகஸ்ட் 14

//Endemic protests could lead to flirting with chaos //

: Pranab Mukarjee - The president of India.


President Pranab Mukherjee today made a veiled attack at "endemic" protests against corruption warning that the country would be "flirting with chaos" if its democratic institutions come under an assault.

Mincing no words in underlining the dangers in undermining institutions like Parliament, he said legislation cannot be wrenched away from legislature or justice from judiciary.

He described Parliament as "the soul of the people, the 'Atma' of India".

The President's comments against the backdrop of anti-corruption protests of Anna Hazare and Ramdev came in his maiden address to the nation on the eve of 66th Independence Day.

In a speech that covered India's emergence as a stable democracy and its economic growth post-Independence, the new President also warned that if progress fell behind rising aspirations of the youth "rage will manifest".

Earlier last month in his acceptance speech after his election to the post, Mukherjee had said that trickledown theories do not address the legitimate aspirations of the poor.

In today's address, he said if Indian economy has achieved critical mass, then it must become a launching pad for the next leap. "We need a second freedom struggle; this time to ensure that India is free for ever from hunger, disease and poverty."


Mr Pranab Mukharji, We the People of India, from all over World, DO NOT ACCEPT you as President of India. You Do Not Represent People of India. You still represent your political party. You Can Never Lead India to its way to Progress, Because You will always listen to your party first. You and Your party has made fun of the country's 2 top-most post, by Hiring their remote control employees. You yourself has made a disrespect to the Prsident post, by accepting it with 'Greedy' objectives, because you also know that You Don't Deserve it. You are nothing but a Failed economist. If you have any slef respect left, than please Either resign from the Post of President or Leave you past, present & future with Congress and stop giving advise  to  the Nation. This is a Country for People of India, and not just labours of Congress.

Pranab Mukherjee even after being the President of India, you are still towing the Italian waitress's line. Don't behave like a poodle like MMS, and stand up. Anna and Ramdev's protests are being carried out with public support against UPA corruption and plunder. Instead of facing the charges, UPA is using police and CBI to suppress the facts, and fool the people of the country.

Head comes down between both legs on reading these words of his speech. Mr President you made us to feel ashamed of you. Till now no President has delivered such a party based address to nation. You were to address to the nation and not to Baba and Anna. Now it is very clear that up to Mr Kalam all was fine and there after from Pratibha it would be all reversed.

Sonia Gandhi has planted these incompetent and shameless puppets in two most powerful posts of our country,PM & President, so that she remains the Queen with ultimate power.If at all India ever needed a freedom,it is now & from these Congressi's.15th August should be treated as a slavery day for Indians instead of independence day as sice then, Congress is treating the ordinary citizens of India as slaves and unabashedly looting the country!

We know that Parliament is supreme. All actions taken by Parliament has taken to date has not ended corruption. In today's India corruption is rampant and it involves parliamentarians and senior statesmen of the country. People are confused and are taking to streets because it is hurting them. People with black money are enjoying and rich whereas most people with white money are struggling to make ends meet. It is very difficult to stop anti corruption movement. People will use their power and so congress can use their power to support corruption. Next elections will answer by selecting right people in the parliament. Concerned citizen.

Mr President Why no words on endemic SCAMS done by COngress , BJP , or other political parties ???? Why no words on ELECTORAL REFORMS(Right to Reject and Recall of elected legislative members) ,Lokpal , Policy reforms etc ... plz understand pulse of people ..we don't want speeches and vote politics .. we need solutions ...


நண்பர்கள் மன்னிக்கவும், நீண்ட நாட்களுக்கு பிறகு மனம் நொந்து போய் ஒரு பதிவு, தமிழில் மாற்றி எழுத நேரம் இல்லை. வேலையாக  மும்பை பயணிக்கிறேன் .
டைம்ஸ் ஆப் இதியாவில் வந்த கருத்துக்களை அப்படியே தந்துள்ளேன். தமிழில் எழுதினால் நன்றாக இருக்காது என்று எண்ணி அப்படியே தந்துவிட்டேன்.இது ஜஸ்ட் காப்பி  அண்ட் பேஸ்ட் பதிவுதான், 

Happy Independance Day to my all Brothers and Sisters.



ஆம்பூர் எட்வின் / பிரபஞ்சப்ரியன் சொன்னது…

தமிழில் இல்லாததால் இன்னும் கொஞ்ச நேரம் கழித்துப் படிக்கிறேன் கக்கு... மும்பையில் இருந்தாலும், இனிய சுதந்திர தின வாழ்த்துக்கள் !

MANO நாஞ்சில் மனோ சொன்னது…

அண்ணே மும்பையில் நான் இல்லாத நேரம் பார்த்து வந்துருக்கீங்களே...?

பிணராப் கெடக்கான் விடுங்க அண்ணே...!

ப.கந்தசாமி சொன்னது…

ரொம்ப நாள் களிச்சு பார்க்கிறேன்.

பொன் மாலை பொழுது சொன்னது…

ஆம்பூர் பிரபஞ்சன்,நாஞ்சில் மனோ மற்றும் பழனி கந்தசாமி அனைவருக்கும் நன்றி நண்பர்களே!

தமிழில் தட்டச்சு செய்ய இங்கே சொடுக்கவும் தட்டச்சு செய்த பின் அதை Copy செய்து இங்கே Pastசெய்யவும்
